Feeling the pressure…

In 10 days I will be doing Ironman Lanzarote. 

I entered this race 12 months ago, having only done 1 Ironman at the time and had 2 booked in for 2014 yet to happen. Sometimes, not always, the thought of doing this race makes me feel sick. I don’t know why, I’ve been in the situation before, I can deal with the race.

Over the weekend whilst supporting Ironman Mallorca 70.3 I had big doubts, very big doubts. The thoughts running through my head were;

  • Can I transfer to a 70.3?
  • Should I just not do it, at all?
  • I’m not sure I can do this again
  • Why would anyone want to put themselves through it?

I’m feeling pressure, from everywhere. Except it’s not from everywhere, it’s from in my head, no-one else. I don’t know why I’m feeling like this and I can’t remember if I felt like this last time or whether it’s just I know what pain is about to come.

Im sure it’s a mix of tiredness and pre race nerves but I’m feeling it big time at the moment. I went for a ride in Mallorca, I did the 70.3 route, it seemed to help. Not sure if it’s the heat or hills or wind that helped but it did…a little.

I’m telling myself MTFU all of the time, the surge of adrenalin I get when I think about the race is like no other. 

I’ve gone over the numbers, I’ve done the work, I know what’s required. There’s just something there, making me feel nervous about the race.

Deep down, I know I’ll do it and I know I’ll ‘enjoy’ it as much as you can enjoy an Ironman. I think I just need a break from the long stuff and this will happen. I need to wind down mentally without having the thought in the back of my mind about when it’s going to start again…

Anyway, pre race brain dump blog over with, got some more panicking to do…


4 thoughts on “Feeling the pressure…

  1. Have faith in yourself, you’re totally going to nail this 🙂 Just remember to enjoy it. Wish I was out supporting you all, but I’ll be following online. Good luck 🙂 x

  2. Good luck mate. You’ll be fine but I’m with you being nervous! Today, I received my ironman70.3 Staffordshire athlete guide! I now cannot sleep as I’m even more nervous and excited! Lol
    I know I’ll be fine, I’m a back of the pack triathlele improving all the time but DAM, nerves are terrible!
    Take care and have fun!

  3. Uncharted Water here its is good to be nervous embrace it and try to plan some relaxing activities non triathlon for taper and stick to race plan and you will do great.

    I feel a similar pressue this year for IM UK ive set myself a time target and invested heavily in a TT bike and im constantly thinking about it and it is tough to get perspective but sometime the best things is time with family/friends and to switch off. Good luck

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